Saturday, January 22, 2011

Try campur adukan BM & BI

Salam nie mimpi agak best jugak lah..
Senja tu aku tertidur..lena diulik mayang jugak lah..hahaha...
dalam seronok punya tidur tu tetiba aku termimpikan tentang kolej..
mula2 aku disuruh sapu sampah di sekeliling rumah by my moms..
dalam sapu punya sapu tu tetiba I learn 1 music M.C.R from my room...however I go n c what happen in my the room..O.MG!!!I c M.C.R still jamm in my I also join them for jam together...after we're jamm my mom call me back to continue sapu sampah..when I sapu sampah tetibe I remember tomorow I has a class in KPTM Ipoh anf without waste time with sapu sampah I terus going packing all my harta benda...after that I pick-up from my sleep and I mamun because I 'm feel blur what this day date????
ohohoho...I hope u'll understand what I write this note yea?

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